February 2024 | Mohabbatein

According to the sacred beliefs Indians uphold, astrology plays a crucial role in our lives, especially concerning matters of the heart, like marriage. However, with the Western adoption of logical and practical aspects of life, and the convenience of finding life partners through matrimony websites, numerology marriage compatibility has been a hot debate over the years. 

By exploring the intricate connections between the heart and astrology, this article will try to list down the reasons and answers to the question, “Is astrology true for marriage?” 

Astrology Helps in Finding Compatibility 

Love and compatibility play a predominant role in astrology. Assessing birthdate compatibility for marriage helps an astrologer examine the alignment of celestials at the time of birth and gain insights into a person’s character, traits, inclinations, and ability to form a successful marriage union with another.

Considering horoscope matching or astrology for marriage can also determine the capacity for love and compatibility between two different people. This involves shared interests, values, and beliefs. When compatibility is present, room for conflicts are minimized, and a sense of unity prevails.

Identifying Potential Issues in Marital Relationship 

No marriage is free from problems. Astrology, to a great extent, helps in identifying potential challenges and areas where two people can create conflicts in a marital relationship. It can also suggest remedies to minimize the impact of these problem areas.

These insights from astrology based on birthdate compatibility allow couples to proactively address these issues and work towards maintaining a harmonious and fulfilling marital bond. 

Understanding The Right Time for Marriage 

Besides helping find birthdate compatibility for marriage, astrology helps you to understand the right time for marriage. Astrologers analyze planetary transits and dasa (planetary periods) to identify favourable periods for marriage. This information can help people make informed decisions about when to start this important phase in life. 

It Provides Insights About Your Life Partner 

Using astrology for marriage makes your search for the perfect life partner easy. This is because birthdate compatibility for marriage gives information on the spouse’s physical characteristics, career, financial situation, and even the location or state in which one may find one’s life partner. 

This means that with the help of astrology for your marriage, you can learn everything about your future spouse and list your expectations. In turn, this helps you speed up the process of finding potential matches in matrimony platforms or other similar traditional setups and spend less time talking or meeting people who may not be compatible.

Gives Future predictions Of Your Married Life 

Numerology compatibility for marriage through astrology aids predictions relating to children who will be born later and their health and happiness

These predictions also extend to an individual’s lifespan in a marriage, the expected duration of the relationship, the likelihood of divorce, the end of the partnership, and how the involvement of their spouse will affect their work.


This generation is not accustomed to gazing backwards because the times are undoubtedly changing and evolving. But, when we want guidance or direction, we often turn to our seniors because we are confident their experience can help us make effective decisions. From this point of view, upholding astrological beliefs for marriage can lead to a more fulfilling and happy married life. 

However, this doesn’t guarantee that matching birthdate compatibility for marriage leads to long-lasting bonds and vice versa. Marriage is a commitment, a holy union that needs continuous work on a daily basis. As long as the core values such as trust, respect, and understanding are met, any marital bond can be sustained for a long time, regardless of whether or not the horoscopes are matched.

Horoscope match, also known as Kundali matching, is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. It is one among the hundreds of important rituals that add glamour and holiness to Indian weddings. In simple terms, it is a practice, mostly observed in arranged marriages, where if the two horoscopes of the bride and the groom match, it is considered a successful marriage union, and vice versa.

Despite the cultural shifts and adoptions of modern concepts, Indians have managed to keep this Kundali matching ritual intact.

However, there is one question that has always been at the back of the mind for people who uphold rituals: “Is it possible to have a successful marriage without a horoscope match?” This article will try to break down the answer to this question in a simple way, especially for those who are trying to find potential matches through reliable online matrimony platforms

What Goes Behind Horoscope Matching

In Kundali matching, the horoscopes of both the bride and the groom are studied for DOB compatibility to see if they can have a happy and successful married life. The main task during Kundali matching is ashta-koota matching, which considers 36 points or factors.

Generally, if 18 or more points match, it will result in a successful marriage. On the other hand, if the matches are below 18 points, astrology does not approve the union of these two people for marriage. 

No Hard And Fast Rules 

As far as logic and practical aspects of life are concerned, there is no guarantee that horoscope or Kundali matching, which considers marriage compatibility based on date of birth, can lead to successful marriages. This means that there are marriages violating the horoscope that succeed, and those approved by the horoscope fail.

No Two Astrologers Agree All The Time 

Astrology is an ocean that no one can master fully. Like how no two doctors agree, no two lawyers agree – no two astrologers agree. Every astrologer gives their views on marriage compatibility by date of birth through the knowledge and experience they have. For example, the astrology predictions for a Hindu bride and groom can be different from the compatibility insights given to a  Kerala or Telugu bride and groom

One astrologer may go according to star matching, while another may focus on the placement of various Grahas in Rasi and Amsam. The list of matching stars will also differ from astrologer to astrologer. This difference is endless!

In this process of DOB compatibility and horoscope matching, you can lose a good number of alliances and may even regret it later. 

Horoscope Matching For Love Marriages 

In love, two people come together for marriage after understanding each other for a long time. Once this foundation of understanding is established, there is hardly any reason for horoscope mismatch or DOB compatibility issues to restrict marriage. 

If the couples want to uphold rituals, then it is recommended to consider marriage compatibility based on date of birth by considering points like lifespan, chances of divorce, chances to get cheated, and possibilities of children.

Overcoming Horoscope Mismatch In Love Marriages 

If your horoscope, based on the date of birth (DOB) compatibility, has blockages, remedies and spiritual sadhana (spiritual activities) can be used to ward off the mismatch and make a successful marriage.

Leaving aside horoscope or Kundali matching and other cultural bases that are perceived as important for a successful marriage, it is important to understand that every good relationship on earth is based on trust, love, and mutual understanding. Always give vent to your free will and believe in the power of destiny. After all, marriage is always a work in progress.

Let’s face it: when looking for an ideal partner for life, the one question that pops into our mind is, “What exactly to look for?”. Although it sounds simple, finding the right answer to this question takes a much deeper thought process.

But here’s the thing: whether you are trying out friend circles or a reliable matrimony website, no set of rules or standards can help you find the “ideal partner”. However, certain qualities can make a relationship more fulfilling, happy, and healthy.

This article will provide a simple guide on how to choose a life partner and 10 qualities you should look for


Respect is one of the most important qualities you should look for in a compatible life partner. Marriage is more than just warm hugs and romantic moments. The foundation of a happy and long-lasting marriage is rooted in respect. This includes respect for all your boundaries, whether they are emotional, sexual, or physical.

You will be able to understand a person’s perspectives and beliefs about respect in how they communicate and, most importantly, during sensitive and complicated discussions. 


When you decide how to choose an ideal partner, the concept of commitment should never be overlooked. This goes both ways. A life partner who is not loyal or invested in a relationship can leave you feeling insecure and questioning your worth.

Commitment is also important to ward off issues like jealousy, suspicion, ego, and other forms of heartbreak. This is why it is important to take time to understand a person and their values before giving a green signal to progress any relationship to marriage. 

Effective & Open Communication 

Studies report that communication between couples predicts marital satisfaction. The more couples talk openly to each other, the happier they are. Transparent communication can also go a long way in preventing tiny differences and misunderstandings from spiralling into arguments. 

Remember that when you decide how to choose an ideal partner, you are essentially picking a person you will share the rest of your life with. So, take the time to understand their communication values. 

If you are using traditional set-ups like a reliable matrimony website, make sure to use their exclusive features like chatting and video calling to thoroughly understand a person’s communication values, then decide if you want to take it up to a meeting further.


Not many of us think of the concept of friendship when we find answers to the question, “How to choose a life partner?”. The truth is that having a sense of friendship solidifies a marriage and creates a much more long-lasting, close-knit bond. A study  found that “life satisfaction” was “twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend. 

This is why it is important to find friendship with any potential person you hope to marry. Especially in marriage matrimony sites designed for finding marriage prospects, it is recommended to find a base for friendship; that way, it is easier to have open communications, thereby finding compatibility. 

Prioritize Personal Growth

When contemplating how to choose an ideal partner, always look for a person who understands you have goals outside marriage. This can be your personal academic, career, or any other goals that you want to achieve in life. It also goes both ways, meaning you should look for a soulmate who is willing to grow and upgrade in life with a clear vision. 

One of the best ways to do this is by clearly stating your goals in the “About Me” section of your profile which future prospects can see on a matrimony website or similar platforms. Mohabbatein is one of the very few matrimony websites in Dubai that has a dedicated section and features to showcase your unique characteristics and goals, which makes it easier for users to narrow their interests easily. 


In simple terms, empathy is the ability to comprehend and convey the feelings of another person. It is one of the essential qualities that forms a good relationship,  as it helps create emotional connection, promotes understanding, and provides support during challenging times. 

This is something that can only be understood by in-depth conversations, and this is why when you sign up on marriage matrimony sites, you’re encouraged to use features like chatting and video-call when comfortable and only then take it a step ahead to meetups to find common grounds, compatibility, and chemistry, before making a final call.


Forgiveness is the one secret ingredient that makes marriage long-lasting. When you decide how to choose a life partner, look into their ability to forgive and forget things. This is because forgiving is one of the strongest yet most difficult things one can ever do, especially to a person you see as a soulmate. 

Remember that some can reflect characteristics of forgiveness only to pocket the wrongdoing and remind them later. This is not true forgiveness. As with many bonds, the true ability to understand these qualities comes with time and as your bond or relationship grows.

Mutual Trust 

Couples who trust each other tend to develop fewer problems in their marital life. Trust is built in a relationship when there is open communication, they admit when they are wrong, have emotional intimacy, and are true to their word. However, this quality is something that is earned, which requires you to equally extend trust to your partner. 

With that being said, if you are using any matrimony website or app, it is important to trust and begin sharing personal details only if you are confident and comfortable with the person you are talking to. As a general rule, it is best for users to utilise features like chatting and video calls to get to know a person thoroughly. Only if you feel there is potential to find a perfect match is it advised that you plan meetups. 


This is another characteristic that you should consider when choosing a soulmate, which aligns with trust. However, regardless of whether you are using a matrimony website or even meeting to get to know someone, it is difficult to understand if a partner is loyal to you initially. This is because many of us tend to put our best foot forward at the start of a relationship. 

Take time, watch for clues, and always listen to your gut. The less honesty you develop in your bond, the weaker it will get. 

Someone Who Isn’t Afraid To Face The Tough Side Of Life

Life is not always a bed of roses. As a couple, you will have to face both ups and downs, and the last thing you want is someone who will leave you at your lowest. 

When understanding how to choose a life partner, always prioritize a soulmate who you can assure is not afraid to face the tough side of life. Having this reliability can help you navigate this difficult journey of life a little more smoothly. 

Lastly, look for a soulmate who is compatible with your values in life. While chemistry, attraction, and love are important for marriage, compatibility is an instrumental factor that sustains a happy marriage over time.

Hindu wedding functions are a perfect representation of culture, traditions, love, and harmony among family members. The ceremonies, making up for a Hindu wedding, last for approximately 3-4 days, and it is a lot of fun.

Each custom and practice in a Hindu wedding ceremony holds philosophical and spiritual importance. Unlike Western wedding concepts, the consent and satisfaction of families are considered crucial in Hindu culture, as marriage is seen not only as a union of two people but also their families.

If you are planning your Hindu wedding and need some help, you have come to the perfect place. From the pre-wedding rituals like engagements to wedding customs like Pheras or Saptapadi, here is all you need to know about Hindu wedding rituals step by step.  

Pre Wedding Ceremonies  


This is seen as one of the most important pre-wedding ceremonies, not only in Hindu culture but in many other religions as well. The engagement is often hosted as an intimate function with close friends and relatives from the bride’s and groom’s side. 

Engagements are held a few months before the wedding, and the fathers of both the bride and the groom make a formal announcement of the marriage arrangement to their guests. Following this, the Hindu bride and the groom exchange rings to confirm their engagement. This replicates the ritual of Saptapadi or Phera done during the wedding ceremony, which symbolizes the journey of life in which the couple should travel together hand in hand.

Mehendi Ceremony

When following Hindu wedding rituals step-by-step, Mehendi is the first official function that starts the wedding season. It is an event where the bride applies henna to her hands and feet as a way of beautifying herself for her wedding. The Mehendi ceremony is often hosted alongside a lot of music and dancing by family members and friends. 

While the bride will have to sit for hours to get her Mehendi art done, many of the female guests, including the bride’s friends, also get Mehendi done, at least in one of their hands. This shows as a sign of females participating in an auspicious wedding event.  

Sangeet Ceremony

This is one of the most fun ceremonies families enjoy when attending Hindu wedding events. Some have sangeet as part of the engagement, but in recent times, it has become an individual function, extending the fun of the wedding season. 

This is a function that helps both families hosting the wedding to forget about the wedding jitters for some time and truly enjoy the wedding season. Nowadays, many choose special themes for this event and dance performances are prepared by cousins, friends, and other close relatives to make the event more fun. 

Haldi Ceremony

When it comes to understanding Hindu wedding rituals, it is important to acknowledge that these rituals can be addressed through other names in different parts of the country. For example, in Tamil and Kannada wedding rituals, the haldi ceremony is called mangala snanam. Generally, in the Haldi ceremony, a paste of haldi (turmeric) is applied to the bride and the groom’s body the day before or on the morning of their wedding

Even the mixture used in the ceremony is known by different names according to regions, like mandha, ubtan, tel baan, etc. The ceremony is directly focused on beautifying the bride, as yellow is considered an auspicious colour and is believed to ward off evil eyes. 

The Wedding 

During the main event of the wedding, the couple exchanges varmalas and then takes seven Pheras, also known as Saptapadi. This is an important part of following Hindu wedding rituals step-by-step, as it is a form of making the wedding official in front of the priest while taking blessings from the elders.

During the Phera or Saptapadi ritual, the couple takes 7 steps, also known as 7 vows, to symbolize the bride and the groom’s commitment to the marriage. The 7 vows are as follows:

  1. Nourish each other
  2. Be each other’s strength
  3. Stay faithful
  4. Love each other’s families
  5. Care for Children
  6. Live a peaceful life together
  7. Maintain the bond of friendship

Traditionally, the wedding is hosted by the bride’s parents, and the groom and his family are their guests at the ceremony. A Hindu wedding ceremony, in simple terms, portrays the initial meeting between the bride and the groom in a wedding hall (Mandap). It is the main religious event where the bride’s parents give away the daughter to the engaged man and seek blessings from the guests invited to the ceremony. 

Post Wedding Ceremonies 


This is an emotional ceremony where the bride leaves her parent’s house and throws back five handfuls of rice over her head to reflect wealth and prosperity. As she leaves, the bride’s brothers and cousins push the vehicle as a way of symbolizing that they are helping the sister start a new phase in life with her husband. 

Once the car starts, money is thrown on the road as a way of warding off evil spirits and eyes. This post-wedding ceremony is referred to using different names in different parts of the country, but the concept behind it remains the same and is considered a very important ritual in Hindu weddings. 


As with many other Western cultures, this is a ceremony that is done to introduce the bride to the groom’s side of the family and their community. Traditionally, this ceremony has no rituals or customs. Different states like to celebrate or host this ceremony in their own ways.  

Part of the celebration includes speeches and friends singing by dedicating songs and performing routines/games for the couple. Sometimes, following this, a huge sit-down dinner and a dance party will take place. More or less, this post-wedding ceremony follows the same theme as Western wedding receptions. 

As you can understand, Hindu weddings are not just about a series of ceremonies but a deeply spiritual and culturally significant union of two compatible people. Every ritual in a Hindu wedding carries a sacred meaning and importance and is considered a celebration of unity, faith, love, and blessings.