Horoscope match, also known as Kundali matching, is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. It is one among the hundreds of important rituals that add glamour and holiness to Indian weddings. In simple terms, it is a practice, mostly observed in arranged marriages, where if the two horoscopes of the bride and the groom match, it is considered a successful marriage union, and vice versa.
Despite the cultural shifts and adoptions of modern concepts, Indians have managed to keep this Kundali matching ritual intact.
However, there is one question that has always been at the back of the mind for people who uphold rituals: “Is it possible to have a successful marriage without a horoscope match?” This article will try to break down the answer to this question in a simple way, especially for those who are trying to find potential matches through reliable online matrimony platforms.
What Goes Behind Horoscope Matching
In Kundali matching, the horoscopes of both the bride and the groom are studied for DOB compatibility to see if they can have a happy and successful married life. The main task during Kundali matching is ashta-koota matching, which considers 36 points or factors.
Generally, if 18 or more points match, it will result in a successful marriage. On the other hand, if the matches are below 18 points, astrology does not approve the union of these two people for marriage.
No Hard And Fast Rules
As far as logic and practical aspects of life are concerned, there is no guarantee that horoscope or Kundali matching, which considers marriage compatibility based on date of birth, can lead to successful marriages. This means that there are marriages violating the horoscope that succeed, and those approved by the horoscope fail.
No Two Astrologers Agree All The Time
Astrology is an ocean that no one can master fully. Like how no two doctors agree, no two lawyers agree – no two astrologers agree. Every astrologer gives their views on marriage compatibility by date of birth through the knowledge and experience they have. For example, the astrology predictions for a Hindu bride and groom can be different from the compatibility insights given to a केरल or Telugu bride and groom.
One astrologer may go according to star matching, while another may focus on the placement of various Grahas in Rasi and Amsam. The list of matching stars will also differ from astrologer to astrologer. This difference is endless!
In this process of DOB compatibility and horoscope matching, you can lose a good number of alliances and may even regret it later.
Horoscope Matching For Love Marriages
In love, two people come together for marriage after understanding each other for a long time. Once this foundation of understanding is established, there is hardly any reason for horoscope mismatch or DOB compatibility issues to restrict marriage.
If the couples want to uphold rituals, then it is recommended to consider marriage compatibility based on date of birth by considering points like lifespan, chances of divorce, chances to get cheated, and possibilities of children.
Overcoming Horoscope Mismatch In Love Marriages
If your horoscope, based on the date of birth (DOB) compatibility, has blockages, remedies and spiritual sadhana (spiritual activities) can be used to ward off the mismatch and make a successful marriage.
Leaving aside horoscope or Kundali matching and other cultural bases that are perceived as important for a successful marriage, it is important to understand that every good relationship on earth is based on trust, love, and mutual understanding. Always give vent to your free will and believe in the power of destiny. After all, marriage is always a work in progress.